Living with Covid: settling into life in Ireland

Rohit Dutta

Rohit Dutta, one of our Student Ambassadors from India, is – like the rest of us – learning how to live life under Covid-19 restrictions

This year was very tricky in terms of applying for a postgraduate course and deciding on my future. However, there’s no reward without risk and thus started my journey in Master’s in International Accounting and Business at DCU.



My educational background is in finance and I was working with PwC for four years before I decided to take a break and further my educational qualification. With Covid restrictions in place and rules changing constantly, I was not able to plan and arrive in Dublin in September and completed the first semester from home.
On December 16th, 2020, after a 24-hour journey I arrived in Dublin. It was a gorgeous day and there was a cool breeze. DCU had planned for a pickup service for all students and I was transported to the college and thereafter guided to my self-isolation accommodation.

Amazing journey

Now my ‘life in Ireland’ started for real. I was anxious about settling into this new life in the midst of Covid with no acquaintances to get help from. How did I fare with settling into this life? Well I can tell you so far it has been an amazing journey and more than what I hoped it would be.
From the cab driver who showed me the nearby grocery stores and eateries to the campus reception team who assisted me with moving in during my isolation and then to my postgraduate apartment, help has always been provided even before I asked for it.
I thought I would miss Christmas celebrations but lo and behold, the campus reception team sent us a sweet note and a box of goodies that left me smiling. You really know you are at home when the local coffee place is where you feel like going every morning. The owner treats me like an old friend and serves me with a smile every day. And that is one thing everyone I’ve met in Dublin shares: a smile and always willing to ask how you’re doing or wishing you a good day.


The Albert College Park is just beside my residence and it is a great place to take a walk or a morning run. Just in case you want to take a breather, the National Botanic Gardens is also nearby. It is a great place to enjoy the beauty of nature, hear the birds chirping and take a nice walk. I promise that you can find your own place in this country that you will enjoy, so just pack your bags and get on your flight.

I have really enjoyed coming to this country. I have seen snowfall for the first time and even started jogging in the mornings! All this transition happened during my semester exams which also went amazingly well. So I leave you today with a bit of positivity that I got from coming here and some amazing pictures of my university and the places nearby.




Until my next blog . . .

Rohit Dutta is doing a Master’s in International Accounting and Business at Dublin City University (DCU).


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