My life as a student: Education in Ireland

Education In Ireland study abroad International

My life as a student again in IT Carlow, Ireland. Education in Ireland

Education In Ireland study abroad
Raushan Blake

I took a leap of faith last year and left a very good workplace and my career in India to get exposure abroad. I am glad I chose Ireland, and took the road not taken. 

Ireland is known as the land of saints and scholars

Education abroad study in europe Ireland

What attracted me to this country was the nature and culture here. People in general are very nice and warm. Most of them will talk to you and are chatty in general.

As a student here, I can say that the focus on research while studying in Ireland is great. So is the supervision on dissertation and the guidance is just superb. Most institutions in Ireland have small class groups which gives the opportunity to be focused upon by the lecturers. Combine that with the reasonable fee structure- both make Ireland a good study destination.

Study abroad in Ireland education international in europe

My course is well laid out with practical aspects of the profession, bearing in mind how a professional in Regulatory Affairs would encounter challenges. The classes are nice and fun, and I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of students with different backgrounds who are enrolled in this program. They are all well qualified and their way of thinking is quite innovative- something I am learning from them as well.

The college has very good infrastructure and their management during covid has been commendable.

I especially love the gymnasium and the kitchen area. There’s a variety of food to eat that is affordable and delicious. Coming from India, many say the food is bland, and while this may be true, food here has its own flavor. At this stage I am well adapted to the local culinary scene in Ireland, and I delighted with the options I get everywhere. 

I am currently working as a kitchen porter in an Irish restaurant. There can be nothing more exotic than this experience in the countryside of a faraway ancient land. I am getting to learn the culture right from the gastronomical point of view and at the same time enjoy a different working environment. Here, people respect time off and are considerate of one another. What more can someone want? Also, the EU minimum wage is paid and respected. I can balance my work and studies at the same time because I have largely been a focused person.

All in all, the atmosphere is great, and I made the right choice with this move!

After all, if we don’t take risks, we won’t make any progress at all.

Raushan Blake


Pursuing Msc. in Regulatory Affairs

IT Carlow, Ireland

Higher education: Pursue your dream of international education

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